Welcome. Thank you for taking the time to explore this documentation of my wanderlust. Come with me on my adventures as I explore the world one city at a time. Follow me as I show you some of the places I've visited and also as I explore new destinations. A couple of years ago I started getting tired of waiting for people to commit to following through with the plans we made and decided that I was going to visit the places that I wanted to see.
Boyfriend or not, girl’s trips or not, I decided I was going to see the sights. I started by taking short solo getaways and realized how much I liked it. Soon after I would start taking myself across the country to try out experiences I'd always wanted to try and I found myself having more fun than if I was with a group. Now I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to have had a boyfriend come along with me on some of these trips, or even have one of my home girls come along so that we could be each other's photographer, but the way I saw it was I'd rather go alone than have you come along and complain. Often the concern from others was that traveling was expensive. Well, yes! It can be, but it doesn't have to be. Besides, everything costs something, it’s up to you to decide where you want to spend your money. As for me, I chose not to buy those $9 Starbucks coffees in the US and opted for as many Cappuccinos and Pastel de Natas as I could manage in my week in Lisbon, Portugal. Trust me it's worth it.